The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seems to get shorter every year even though it is always pretty much the same give or take a few days. Once Thanksgiving was over we had the SEC Championship and then a wonderful surprise visit from Julie all the way from Hong Kong. In all of this activity I realized today that it is almost Christmas but I still haven't posted pictures from Thanksgiving. If they had just been pictures of Marianne I might have left them off all together but because they are pictures of Marianne with family I though they were too priceless to not share. Sorry for the delay but better late than never! (As a side note can you believe it was so hot on Thanksgiving that Marianne ended up spending the day in her onesie?! )
Four Generations

Proud Great Grandparents
The Ladies

It is such a blessing that we are all able to get together and enjoy special days! Hopefully one day Marianne will be able to appreciate this fact too.
And Craig thought Marianne didn't like him!
Grandma Gigi loves Marianne!
Cousin Sarah came to visit all the way from Idaho!
Isn't this smile just the best? I love it!