After more than a month with no Internet we are back online! So now for long posts and many pictures. Hope you enjoy seeing these glimpses of Marianne's first Christmas. She was a real trooper opening gifts in four different places at all hours of the day over the course of 3 days!
It was a real treat to start Christmas off by going to church in Chapin. Our family was asked to light the advent wreath so that is why we took the picture with the wreath in it. It was good to take some time to focus on the real meaning of Christmas and to reflect on what that means to us before we embarked on our whirlwind few days.
This was the gift that started our Christmas marathon!
Check out all the fun things from Grandma Ratchford!

One day she will realize not all gifts are chew toys!

Chris had fun buying presents for Marianne.
Sadly we don't have a picture of it but this present was the book "Hello, Cocky!"