Marianne and I had a wonderful time visiting family in Delaware this past week. I was a little worried about how Marianne would adjust to all the new experiences but she did great! Grandma only had to start talking to her to get a huge smile out of Marianne and Marianne seemed to love Grandma's house (especially her couch as you will see below). It was a fun trip and I really have to brag on little baby Marianne. She was a great traveler. Everyone kept commenting about how good she was during the flight. And she was a great sport about meeting all sorts of new people and having to make some changes to her routine! It was such a fun and easy trip I think we will try it again some time!

Isn't it cute how Marianne and Grandma kinda match? And we didn't even plan it!
Cousin Michael roller bladed all the way over to Grandma's just to be in this picture! Not really, he just came to hang out but he also got to take some pictures and be in a picture.
Marianne had fun sitting up on Grandma's couch. I think she felt grown up.
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