We had a great trip to California in early April! It was a much needed vacation as well as a fun time visiting family. Sadly, Marianne was sick most of the trip. But as always she was a wonderful baby. She only cried for about half of the 5 hour plane ride which is great considering she had an ear infection. Then half way through the trip we took her to the doctor to get eye drops for her eye infection. I am sad that some of the only pictures she will have with family are not her best shots but what can you do! She got progressively better each day so by the end of the trip she was almost back to her normal, happy self. Despite it all she did great and we had an amazing time.
A few notes about the pictures: They are not in sequential order because I didn't take the time to download them in that order. Also, I am sad to report that we are missing pictures of Art and Rick. If anyone has some good ones to share I will post them later!
The view from our hotel in Santa Monica.
Marianne loved playing in the hotel room! This was one of the nicest places we have ever stayed or there is no way I would have let her play on the floor. I don't even walk barefooted in most hotel rooms! Her favorite spot in the room was the bed and she spent a lot of time crawling over the pillows in her own king sized obstacle course.
Aunt Sandie was so excited to see Marianne. And she kindly stayed in the room while Chris and I had a nice adult dinner downstairs. It was a wonderful meal and nice break after carrying a crying baby across the country. Marianne was pretty good for Sandie considering she was sick and when we came back she was sleeping in her aunt's arms. Sweet!
Art and Bobbie had us over for a delicious Mexican meal one night . Cousins Jack and Nicki were great at entertaining Marianne with fun YouTube videos!
Even though the weather was cloudy and damp we had a great morning walking around Santa Monica and on the pier!

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Willis with "Lacy Dacy"!

On Monday we enjoyed a great meal and a fun afternoon at Stone Brewery in Escondido with Aunt Andrea. The restaurant was so good and unique and after a leisurely lunch we walked around. The grounds were beautiful and Marianne especially liked looking at all the koi fish. Then we took a tour of the brewery and learned how they make the beer. It was one of the highlights of the trip because it was such a pleasant afternoon!
Here are the girls on a Sunday afternoon stroll in Manhattan Beach.
I bought Marianne a cute bathing suite for the the trip thinking we could stick her feet in the water or take a dip in the hotel pool. But it was so cold we had to settle for tights ad sweaters. Maybe next time...

We enjoyed two great meals at Aunt Kris and Uncle Steve's house. This was taken after a walk at Steve's dad's house. What a great view!

Marianne all set for her walk.
We got to spend two nights at the calming retreat otherwise known as "Snack Land". It was so fun to be there and Marianne enjoyed the beautiful place and the wonderful people who are there. Isn't Uncle Darren so photogenic? And he really knows how to make Marianne smile!

The last two pictures are of Marianne with a toy that Aunt Kris found. It was a gorilla that played "Wild Thing" when you pressed his hand and he flapped his arms. Marianne thought he was hilarious and spent a lot of time dancing along! I tried to take a video but it didn't work very well so you will just have to enjoy the pictures!

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Willis with "Lacy Dacy"!

Marianne loved Aunt Bobbie's hair. I am hoping that once she grows some more hair it will be as long and pretty as Bobbie's!

We enjoyed two great meals at Aunt Kris and Uncle Steve's house. This was taken after a walk at Steve's dad's house. What a great view!

Marianne all set for her walk.

The last two pictures are of Marianne with a toy that Aunt Kris found. It was a gorilla that played "Wild Thing" when you pressed his hand and he flapped his arms. Marianne thought he was hilarious and spent a lot of time dancing along! I tried to take a video but it didn't work very well so you will just have to enjoy the pictures!